Kimi Culp


Kimi Culp is the host of All the Wiser. Follow All the Wiser on Twitter here.

Describe All the Wiser in 10 words or less.
Raw, honest, intimate, brave, inspiring and occasionally funny. 

Fill in the blank: You will like All the Wiser if you like ______ (person, place, movie, book, idea, food…)
The show is perfect for people who love curling up with a friend on a cozy sofa for a meaningful conversation. Look elsewhere if you prefer small talk at parties. 

Can you talk about the $2,000 donations you make each episode? How is that decided? Where have you contributed?
We believe in changing the world one podcast episode at a time and make a $2,000 charitable contribution for every story we share. To date, the podcast has donated over $150,000. Each episode, we make a donation on behalf of our guests' favorite charity or cause.

A 12-year-old boy, Trey, was able to start a podcast on his experiences living with autism as a result of one of our donations. Another  donation funded the purchase of a small sailboat to outfit kids with limb loss to learn how to sail. 

We are also proud of supporting charities making an impact on the frontlines of mental health, addiction, cancer, LGBTQ + rights, child sex trafficking and initiatives to close the gender gap in national security.  

What’s a moment in your interviewing you’ll never forget?
In my pajamas during a global pandemic, I interviewed Pablo Esobar's son, Sebastian, about growing up with your dad as the world's largest cocaine dealer. For his birthday, Pablo would fly in lunch on a helicopter and have elephants and giraffes roam the yard.

Which episode of All the Wiser should people stop reading this and go listen to right now?
Sue Klebold rarely does interviews and received a huge response from our listeners. Sue is the mother of Dylan Klebold, one of the two shooters at the Columbine massacre. As a mother of a mass shooter, she offers a unique perspective on loving and losing her youngest son. 

What’s the recipe for a perfect All the Wiser episode?
Trust + Vulnerability + Presence + A healthy dose of levity.

How have you changed as a host since you started All the Wiser?
In the show, people who have experienced unimaginable things share their wisdom. In essence, our guests are teachers on what it means to suffer, endure, and be human. 

I have gained a greater sense of peace and clarity over the past four years as a result of interviewing extraordinary people. Now that I know bringing them into the light is healing and of service to others, I am less afraid to share parts of myself I once deemed shameful. 

Who are your listeners? Any interesting stories about them?
During the pandemic, a Florida teacher used our podcast as mental health curriculum for high school students.

The stories on the podcast inspired one of our listeners to quit drinking, lose 60 pounds, and recommit to putting his family first.

Self-care tip?
Nature and Dark Chocolate in no particular order. 

Thanks, Kimi!

Lauren Passell