Dana Schwartz


Dana Schwartz is an author, and host of Noble Blood, Haileywood, and the new show Stealing Superman. Follow her on Twitter here. Follow Noble Blood on Twitter here.

Your life is a podcast rom com come to life. Can you tell us how you met your husband?
Hah, yes, absolutely! My husband Ian is a comedian and writer, and we followed each other on Twitter for a while but never actually met. He DM’ed me and asked me to be a guest on his podcast, ALL FANTASY EVERYTHING, and I did! It was over Zoom, but we really hit it off, and the rest is history!

How did you connect after the episode of All Fantasy Everything was done?
I think I texted him! And then we just kept texting. And then had long phone calls. And then, finally, a date in person. And from there, it was pretty much obvious that we were in love and going to spend forever holding hands, etc. etc.

Did you have any nods to your meet cute at your wedding?
On that first episode of All Fantasy Everything, we drafted non-Disney/Pixar animated movies, and we disagreed about the quality of the movie Shrek (sorry, I think it’s over-rated!). That argument may or may not have made its way into his vows.

You have your hand in so many interesting stories—Noble Blood, Haileywood, and now Stealing Superman. What ties all your projects together?
I think you could say I’m drawn to things that are a little funny, and a little dark, and that I like power and celebrity and fame. But more than that, I think I just love stories. I know a lot of my projects are sort of disparate in tone, but to me, the thing that draws them together is the fact that I’m genuinely interested in them. I imagine that if I’m fascinated by something, hopefully an audience will be too.

Describe Stealing Superman in 10 words or less.
Incredibly rare comic stolen and it belonged to Nicolas Cage. 10 exactly!

How have you changed as a podcast host since you started?
I’m more comfortable talking into a microphone, I think, but unfortunately I’m not much better at the pronunciation of French words.

If you were going to start a podcast, your budget is $1M and you don’t have to worry about logistics or whether or not anyone would like it, what would it be?
Okay, this is a little wild, but if I had all of the time and resources in the world, I would make a podcast investigating the Broadway flop, Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark. I am a little obsessed with it. I wish the people involved would talk on the record. Maybe I shouldn’t be giving my podcast ideas away! No one steal this idea!

Are you a podcast listener?
I am! Obviously I love All Fantasy Everything, but I also listen to Maintenance Phase, and You’re Wrong About, and I’m a huge fan of Blank Check with Griffin and David. Also Cautionary Tales, and the BBC History podcast..

Thanks, Dana!

Lauren Passell