Joy Dolo


Joy Dolo is the host of Forever Ago, a kids history podcast that explores the origin of one thing every episode, while teaching listeners to think critically about the past.. Joy is joined by a kid co-host for each episode. Follow Joy on Twitter here. Follow Forever Ago on Twitter here.

Explain Forever Ago in 10 words or less.
History family show about objects and events that shape our world. Dang it, that’s eleven!

How did you get to be host?
I am primarily an actor and improvisor in the Twin Cities in Minnesota, so I have a lot of experience with scripts and thinking off the top of my head. I was called in to see if I could host the show and wazoooo! Here I am!

What did you want to be when you were eight?
I wanted to be a model, a singer, and an actor. And retired by the time I was 12. I think I saw it on the Disney Channel… I’ve always wanted to understand the world and use my understanding to help people. Theatre really opened that door for me.

Why are you the perfect host for this show?
I wouldn’t say I’m a perfect host! I love the way kids see the world and I feel like whenever I have a co-host, I learn something new. Being curious about the topic and the kids has guided me a lot.

What’s it like to have kid co-hosts?
Awesome! They are the best! Smart, funny, off the cuff. And their point of view is so often under-estimated in many settings. It’s cool to be able to show kids that adults can listen and empathize with them. And be goofy with them!

If you could have any guest on the show to explain something, who would it be and what?
Ms. Frizzle from the Magic School Bus tv show! I would have her explain the human body. It’s so amazing! I would also like to talk to the voice actor that played her, Lily Tomlin. I would love to pick her brain about acting-she is the best!

At what age should kids start listening to podcasts?
There are so many types of podcasts, I feel you could start at any age. Stories are for all ages :)

Who listens? Classrooms, families, kids by themselves?
All of the above! We have folks using Forever Ago in classrooms as a lesson plan-especially during the pandemic. And I have received many messages from parents that said they love to listen with their kids!

What advice would you give someone who is considering starting a kids show?
Make sure you have a strong team to help you. I could not fathom doing a podcast on my own without the help of the amazing Kids Podcast Team at APM Studios. Also, I would say to use your own unique experience when telling your story. There are so many platforms now, the one thing that makes stories interesting, to me, is a perspective that is new to me.

Are you a kidult?
Yes. Very much so. I love to play games and make faces and eat sweets. But I’m also constantly learning and putting myself in situations where I am uncomfortable so I can learn more. Just like kids, constantly soaking in new information-I feel I learn from situations that are not a part of my lived experience.

What’s your advice for talking to kids?
Talk to them like people. I’ve noticed that adults and kids can get self conscious very easily when put on the spot. I was like that too. I was super shy when I was young. When we start taping, I always make sure to ask the cohosts about their day, what they’re looking forward to, favorite meals, anything that will get them out of their nerves!

What makes hosting a kids podcast unique?
Having kids speak about their experience with the topics is always interesting.

Any good stories about your listeners?
I had a DM from Rwanda! The listeners were from Liberia (I mention that is where I am from a few times on these podcasts). It’s so cool that technology can connect us all over the globe.

If people haven’t listened yet, where should they start? (I love The Joy of Swimming and The Lifeguard one.)
The Joy of Swimming tells more of my personal story, which brings in that new perspective piece. I also think Rubiks Cubes from season 2 and Sandwiches from Season 1 are pretty great. Oh yeah, and Ancient Egypt in Season 2! It is so hard to choose…

If you could make another podcast, your budget is $1M and don’t worry about whether or not anyone would like it or any of the logistics….what would it be?
I already know and have been working on it. It would be a podcast about how women relate to each other through the lens of real world events and The Real Housewives franchise. All I need is that 1 million dollars to get it going…maybe I’ll do the Powerball thing. HA!

Are you a podcast listener?
Yes! Being an actor, I love a good story in all its forms. Including audio!

What’s a podcast you love that everyone already knows about?
Normal Gossip, Heavyweight, Where Should We Begin?, Serial.

Thanks, Joy!

Lauren Passell