Mike Kelton


Mike Kelton is a comedian, producer, writer and director living in Brooklyn, NY. Mike hosts and produces a supernatural docu-comedy podcast called Beyond with Mike Kelton. Mike also makes videos of his mother on instagram that are worth a look.

Explain Beyond in 10 words or less. 
A supernatural comedy docu-pod or my real life diary. 

How do you structure the episodes? Do you bring your mic around with you all the time? I love how each episode kind of feels like a diary entry, none two are the same.
Thank you! Each episode has a life of its own which tends to call for its own unique format - from a production standpoint, it’s exhausting! But, typically, when a new supernatural topic shows up in my life - usually by way of recommendation from a friend or synchronistic stumble upon, I treat anything related to it a bit like an audio diary as I try to record as much as I can using voice memos on my phone. Next, I literally try all of the different spiritual modalities that peak my interest or come my way. This happens many different ways but ultimately we always tend to interview spiritual and magical experts in these various fields using real audio equipment. After that, I do my best to actually try the practice to see if it helps the issue I’m currently facing. Once I feel like there is a story worth sharing with real life take-away and some otherworldly magic, my producer Tracy Soren and I go through all the footage (docu-style) and I write a story based on the way things unfolded. Once a story is there, I pepper in jokes when needed to keep the audience with us and not lost in the ether of spiritual existentialism. 

Each episode goes through so many versions and so many jokes - it’s such a process but always worth it because each one has a magic of its own that is so creatively fulfilling in its own right. 

So what happened! The show was here, I loved it, it went away, it came back, I’m happy. How are you these days?
Thanks for asking and for sticking with us! Following Season 2, we had every intention of coming back strong the following fall but something called “Covid-19” happened which changed pretty much everything. On top of the vast shift in culture and technology, the at-home nature of things made it really tough to keep authentically exploring the great unknown. Recording interviews from zoom just didn’t slap the same way that walking through the basement of a haunted thrift shop or laying on a past life regressionists' couch past life did.  While we tried to get there, ultimately it didn’t feel as magical or as impactful to me which was a good sign that the stories might not resonate with an audience the way previous seasons had. So, with that in mind, Tracy and I decided to wait until we could properly make the show we knew the audience deserved. That’s why it took so long and again, we are so grateful for fans that have come back for more B! 

How is the new season different to the one we enjoyed 4ish years ago?
I like to think this season is a bit more nuanced with an even deeper peak into my own personal life and some of the things that I have really been struggling with in the past couple years. Like my own growth as a human, I hope to think that the show has evolved. I started developing this show almost 6 years ago and in that time, a lot has shifted in my own personal life which I hope is reflected in the storytelling of Season 3. This new season should reflect some of these changes and hopefully give the audience a bit of a deeper understanding into the learnings that have come along with getting older, finding a partner, and working through some of the real things people work through in their mid-30’s…or whenever, growth isn’t linear babe! 

How much of the show is fictional? I guess what I’m asking is…did your neighbor REALLY move out of your old apartment?
Deadass, 98% of the show is real! These stories are all extremely true. We change some names and small details for storytelling purposes but if I share a story on the pod, babe, it’s real! That’s what makes this show so fun and what makes me believe in magic…I’m not trying to sell anything or start a cult (but I have thought about it), I’m just telling stories and sharing my experiences and that’s what makes the title so perfect. It’s all BEYOND! 

Who is the podcast for?
Go with me here…The pod is for anyone who has ever felt curious looking up at the stars on a clear night. It’s for anyone who might feel constantly disillusioned with the robot world we are living in and share a hope that there is some kind of reason for being alive amid all of the constant chaos in our modern world. It’s for queer people that grew up not feeling seen in the one particular place they had to connect to something greater. It’s for believers and non-believers alike who like to laugh and finally, it’s definitely for people named “Carol”.

Have your beliefs changed since you started the podcast? 
No but my curiosity has grown. The more I learn and experience, the more I realize how little we understand about cultures, traditions and magic that lived here long before we were born. Just because modern culture has progressed with each iPhone update doesn’t mean we are spiritually and emotionally evolving…in fact, we might be digressing. Some ancient ways and practices have taught me more about myself and how to be in community with others, proving that there are so many lessons to learn from supernatural and/or magical practices. Staying curious is the greeting lesson this podcast has taught me. 

Are hexes better than therapy?
Lol. No. I think therapy is maybe the best thing in the world so it’s a hard comparison but I will say that learning about Hexes and getting a better understanding does make me respect the craft and the practice so much more. I think Hexes can be super beneficial and give anyone a bit more agency over the power they wield and how they walk through the world. But also, therapy slaps so hard so unfortunately, therapy takes the cake here. 

Is there anything you wouldn’t  share with your listeners?
Not yet - but I won’t let you know once I get there. 

What’s the best fan interaction you’ve ever had?
OMG - this is the best! I love Beyond fans so much and feel a deep connection to them. I get so many incredible emails and DM’s from fans that truly make my heart sing but I have to say the best is a fan named Ryan who came up to me and my now husband at the airport in Austin, TX and just yelled “TEAM HAUNT” at me and Andrew. It truly startled us but then I realized, it was a Beyond fan and we chatted and LOL’ed so much. It snapped Andrew and I out of our travel stress and made me feel so seen and supported by my “Carols” ( I’m #TeamHaunt and Andrew is #TeamTilt.) What is crazier, a year later, I ran into Ryan AGAIN on the Upper West side after seeing a movie with our good friend and fellow magical Beyond expert, Elana Kilkenny. Weird vibes, for sure! 

I know you just got married. Congrats! Do you believe in soul mates?
Yes - I do! I think we all have many soulmates; spirits we have shared previous lives with who are put here in this life to help us evolve and grow to better understand the process of being human in the next life. I think we have romantic soulmates, platonic ones and annoying ones that shine a light on our shadow side, forcing us to evolve.

What’s your biggest hope for the podcast? That can be…something that will happen to you in the story, or some big award, or some number of listeners, or getting some brand deal, or having someone famous listen, or turning the show into a theme park, etc.
Biggest hope - the pod reaches 1.1 Million listeners by the end of 2024. Then my hope is that, like a good pop album, it serves as a project for people to come back to whenever they need a dose of connection, inspiration or magic to help them feel a bit less alone in the rapidly changing robot world we are all living in. Final hope is that this show helps lay the groundwork for a visual version of Beyond on TV sometime in the future.

Are there too many podcasts?
No - make MORE ART PPL! 

What’s a podcast you love that everyone already knows about?
Love & Radio - One of the best pods I have ever heard and served as inspo for S1 of Beyond. 

What’s a podcast you love that not enough people know about?
Beyond, lol. Is that ok to say?

Self-care tip: Start telling people when they hurt your feelings. It’s a form of self-care and will help improve your relationships. Second tip - baths. I love baths! 

Hot take: Trains are the best way to travel. 

Thanks, Mike!

Lauren Passell