Katelyn Hempstead


Katelyn Hempstead is the host of Lizard People, a comedy show where Katelyn invites her brilliant, funny friends try to convince her of their favorite conspiracy theories. Follow her on Twitter here. Follow Lizard People on Twitter here.

Do you have to do tons of research for each episode? Or do you just already know a LOT of stuff?
Oh my god no, I know nothing. I do about an hour of research for each episode, more if it’s a super intricate one based in actual history or current events, and way less if it’s just one of my friends doing a goof-em-up ep.

What is your favorite kind of conspiracy theory?
The dumb ones! Like that the earth is hollow and full of dinosaurs. Wouldn’t that be the best?

What's something that all conspiracy theories have in common?
The thing they all have in common is the same thing that gives conspiracy theories so much power and keeps us hooked on them, which is that if you believe there’s a conspiracy you’ve automatically chosen the side of wisdom and light in a cosmic battle of good and evil. Like, if everyone else believes that JFK was shot by a lone gunman, but you put the evidence together and ‘discover’ that he was actually killed as a result of a plot by an evil cabal of the CIA/the Mafia/Fidel Castro/aliens, that means you GET it. Your eyes are open, you’re chosen, you’re one of the clever few who see the world for what it really is. And that goes for the wackiest celebrity baby conspiracy theory too. If you believe, that makes you special. Frankly, I think it’s the same thing our weird brains love about religion!

Have you ever thought of turning Lizard People into something else, like a book, a TV show, a theme park, action dolls?
WHY YES I HAVE and if anyone in the entertainment industry wants to hear my pitch for a Lizard People TV show that is the love child of Ghost Hunters and Drunk History, please hit me up.

Are there too many podcasts?
Are there too many tv shows? Are there too many stars in the sky? Is there too much love in the eyes of a child??? I feel like there’s a pretty endless market for podcasts, once we all teach our parents how to use the podcast app.

Is podcasting, like, hard?
Not if you have an amazing producing partner who does all the real work! My producer is Alexis Preston (of Can I Pet Your Dog fame) and she does the recording, editing, directing, so much of it. She’s bonkers talented. Also she runs the Instagram which is prob the funniest part of the show.

Female podcasters are often criticized for the voices. What is your relationship with yours?
I’m gonna answer that question with a true story. Once, before I had a podcast, I was visiting a friend who lived in upstate New York. I called my mom as I was waiting for a train in Penn Station. As I talked to her I noticed that this older, extremely New York-y lady in a fur coat kept looking over at me, which as a lifelong Californian was terrifying. After I hung up, she walked over to me and said ‘are you in radio’? I was like ‘n-n-no ma’am’. Then she told me that I had a beautiful ‘bell-like’ voice and I should go into radio and stop wasting my gifts. So whenever I see some doingus on Twitter or Apple Podcast reviews complaining about my voice or my laugh, it truly does not bother me at all. I know my speaking voice is beautiful because a lady in Manhattan told me so, and that’s all I need to be confident for the rest of my life.

How do you know so much about religion? I studied religion in college, I love the Bible. Those are my favorite episodes and I am so impressed with all that you know!
I’m so honored that you - an actual scholar of religion - think I know a lot! I definitely do tons of googling to make sure I don’t say anything ignorant before each religion episode (actually I use Bing, I love Bing). But I also took some bible classes in college, and I grew up Unitarian - they put a lot of emphasis on learning about other religions and their history. And it’s just fun to read about that stuff, religion is fascinating!

What podcasts do you enjoy? Can you give us some recommendations?
My Dad Wrote A Porno makes me absolutely sob with laughter, You Must Remember This is so so fascinating and well-researched, and Hollow Public Radio (which I also write for and do voices on) is a scripted sci-fi podcast that we are very proud of. Had to sneak in an extra little plug there, sorry sorry.

Thanks, Katelyn!

Lauren Passell