Jay Ellis


Jay Ellis is an actor (Lawrence on Insecure,) producer, director, writer, philanthropist and host of Lemonada’s The Untold Story. Season one was about policing; season two followed criminal injustice. Follow him on Twitter here. Follow Lemonada on Twitter here.

You have a lot going on. Why was this project important to you, and why did it have to be a podcast?
Storytelling comes in so many forms and I think audio is just as powerful and impactful as any other medium to gain exposure, learn and find ways to take action.

How is the new season different from season one?
This season is similar because again I get to go on a journey where I get to talk to lawmakers, academics, data scientists and folks affected by some of the policies we’re covering. This season is different because we pivot to Pay to Stay policies, Felony theft thresholds and a bunch more stuff I really didn’t know about until this season.

What do you hope this show does for people?
I hope it gets people fired up to make a change. When folks hear these policies and how it affects peoples lives and our systems, I hope that they explore the ways they can create change in their own communities.

What have you learned about yourself making this podcast?
I love learning. With every person I talk to I find myself wanting to listen and learn more. I realized how little I know about so many laws, policies, and practices that not only cause huge backups and inefficiencies in our court and legal system but how they often have the ability to ruin folks’ futures. 

If Lawrence had a podcast, what would it be about?
Ha! IN MY FEELINGS hosted by Lawrence Walker. He just wants y’all to know how he feels.

Is there anything I didn’t ask you about that you want to say?
Hope y’all enjoy this season and also go out and learn about these policies in your own communities. Go make good change.

Thanks, Jay!

Lauren Passell