Danielle Moodie

Photo courtesy of Sara Price

Danielle Moodie is the host of the daily political podcast #WokeAF Daily and co-host of the weekly political podcast #democracyish. Follow her on Twitter here and on Instagram here.

How did you get introduced to the audio space?
I first started podcasting in the mid-2000s with a show called Politini--serving pop culture and politics up with a twist.

Why are you the perfect host for Woke AF?
I don’t know about "perfect." :) But I believe that our politics needs to be served straight up. We are in our current political climate because we have neglected to make politics digestible and a part of our everyday lives, and instead made a taboo topic that we didn’t discuss. The more woke and conscious people we have, the better our society, and that is my goal with Woke AF Daily.

How do YOU define "woke?"
To me, being woke means being conscious of the various systemic oppressions that people face and understanding your role in minimizing harm & advancing equity in all aspects of your life.

What's it like working with Touré? Can you describe your friendship?
Touré has become a big brother to me. I adore him and our banter. We have different perspectives on the topics we cover but a core belief in justice and equity. So while our opinions may vary from episode to episode, our foundation is the same.

Why are Democracyish and Woke AF necessary?
Democracyish started as a way to guide people through the election from a Black perspective and now it has evolved into more analysis on race & white supremacy and how we end systems of oppression. Similarly, Woke AF started as a show based in rage at the election of Trump. Now, I have evolved from rage to rest and how we stay conscious to social injustice without becoming paralyzed or hopeless from all the necessary work ahead.

Do you find yourself holding back on what you put out there, or do you think you wear your heart on your sleeve and leave it all out there?
I think it's a tricky balance for a lot of podcasters. I definitely put my entire self out there on a daily basis. It’s exhausting at times and deflating because the topics I cover are tough--but by me living my life out loud and unapologetically, I hope to inspire others to do the same.

Can you describe your fans?
They are fabulous. An incredibly thoughtful and insightful group of people that are dedicated to making the world better.

Do you have any interesting stories about fans, or any fans you'd like to shout out?
Oh, I couldn’t pick just one; but they all lift me up in different ways. The DMs I get thanking me for my work and being a beacon in the darkness are what keep me going.

What do you hope Woke AF does for people?
I hope it makes them realize how very powerful they are. That when we are conscious and stand up as a collective, there is no stopping the progress that we can make as a society and a global community.

What have you learned about the world making the show?
That there is an equal amount of pain and beauty.

What's your relationship to your voice, and how would you describe it?
My voice is my most powerful feature. I don’t mince words. I don’t hesitate. I tell the unapologetic and unvarnished truth.

What are hurdles that podcasting POC face that white people don't even think about?
The ability to monetize our work is oftentimes a lot harder for POC and women.

What is the secret to hosting a great conversation?
Research the person you're interviewing and make it as casual as possible. I want brunch-style convo, not didactic Q&As.

What is the secret to being a great podcast guest?
Warming up. Get comfortable with your topic and know the hosting style of the interviewer.

What’s something listeners don’t understand about podcasts and what goes into making them?
I think most people now get podcasts and like to listen on their own terms.

If you were going to create another podcast, don’t worry about the logistics or whether or not anyone would like it, what would it be?
It would be one that is solely focused on entertainment. Something fun!

Do you think there are any rules all podcasters should adhere to?
No, I think your show should sound and be like you.

What shows do you love?
I love the 1619 project, Gaslit Nation, and others that make you think.

Thanks, Danielle!

Lauren Passell