Sean Jordan & Ian Karmel


Ian Karmel, Sean Jordan & David Gborie are the hosts of All Fantasy Everything. Follow Ian on Twitter here, Sean on Twitter here, David on Twitter here, and All Fantasy Everything on Twitter here. Follow the show on Instagram here.

Describe the show in 10 words or less. 
Sean: The only podcast to ever exist

Ian: Fantasy drafting the entire planet and everything in it. Shaclackity. 

Sean: 1. My daughter. 2. My family. 3. My friends. 4. Skateboarding. 5. Hot Sauce

How on earth did you come up with the idea? Is anyone else doing it?
Sean: Ian came up with the entire idea and I’m lucky to be a part of it. It’s the only podcast to ever exist

Ian: I was always the person you hated in your fantasy league. I’d get super into the draft and then a month into the season, I’d lose interest and forgot to set my lineup and ruin it for everyone else. I loved the drafting though! So much! The strategizing, trying to swipe picks out from under people, all of that. I used to hang out on this sports message board back in the day, and they’d have all-time fantasy drafts on there - people drafting LeBron James and then Bill Russell and then Clyde Drexler. That kind of opened my mind to the idea that you could really draft ANYTHING and that stayed with me for years and years and then I started AFE! 

I don’t think anyone else was doing it when we started - certainly nobody on a big level. There are certainly a ton of people doing it now. That’s podcasting, though. Its a gold rush. If you can show that a good idea can work, and it’s kind of an open and general enough idea, people are going to take it and run with it in a way that wouldn’t happen in television, for instance. I used to get really upset about it, but then I realized that people may come to the podcast for the topic, but I think they stay because of how much fun Sean, David and I have… so I focus on having fun and that’s been a good lesson for everything in life. Make sure you have fun and you’re making something you’re proud of. That’s all you can really control. 

How do you come up with your topics?
We have a huge list that we keep as we just kind of come up with ideas randomly. Sometimes a guest will have an idea that they really wanna do as well! 

Ian: Sometimes we’re inspired by what’s happening in the world, like a movie coming out or a holiday coming up. Sometimes the guest will come with an idea in mind. A lot of the time it’s just Sean, David and I brainstorming. 

What do you have more fun doing…the draft or just the talking? Your show is one of the rare times when I find myself enjoying the banter as much as the meat of the show.
Ian: First of all, thank you! Secondly, I can’t really separate the two! Sometimes we’ll have a new guest on for the first time, and I can feel them sitting there like “Holy shit… when does the podcast actually start?” and I have to tell them “This is it. This is the whole thing. We’re gonna get to the picks really fast, but first we gotta talk about David taking mushrooms on a boat for fifteen minutes and then Sean is gonna drink a Cheeto flavored Mt. Dew.” Some episodes are great because we get into heated debates over what actually is the best sandwich, some episodes are great because drafting the movie “Tombstone” kicks off a 10 minute story a guest has about buying a cowboy hat. It’s all part of it. 

Sean: Ian is answering these WAY better than me. He’s hard to follow haha. I have so much fun with these 2 gents and the guest every single second. The best thing about doing this is it ALWAYS puts me in a better mood. If I’m bummed, it cheers me up. If I’m already stoked, it gets me that much more stoked haha.

If people haven’t listened, where should they start?
Ian: Oh man. I’m gonna say “A Buffet” with Caleb Hearon. 

Sean: The live Portland ep was really fun recently. Or Disney songs with Katie Nolan. Those are both live but I think they’re just so fun. 

What’s the recipe for a perfect episode of All Fantasy Everything?
Sean: Just 3 or 4 people ready to not be serious at all and have fun.

How are you all different? What kind of things do you each bring to the table?
Sean: Ian steers the ship. I have done it a handful of times when he can’t be on and it’s SO HARD to do haha. David is always coming from the absolute most unique perspective I can imagine. Picking the start spangled banner for his first 1 hit wonder for example. I’m just perpetually in a good mood haha. Plus we’re all actual friends so it’s easy to have fun. 

What’s the best part about podcasting?
Sean: Getting to see my friends every week and always have an original 2 hours to put into the world. It’s such a good feeling. Now that we get to tour again it’s on a whole other level of fun.

What’s the worst part about podcasting?
Sean: It is a job, just like anything. Sometimes you do find it hard to schedule and things like that but nothing major. It’s pretty great.

Thanks, guys!

Lauren Passell